What are the Best Diet Pills for 2022

Best Diet Pills For 2022 – Australia and United States

This page has been created to help customers wanting to purchase diet pills in 2022 and decide which product is right for them.

DietPillShopper has a strong target audience from Australia and the US but we receive visitors from all over the world – Canada and UK being particularly popular.

The products we recommend are available to buy and be shipped to all countries that allow free trade.

We have tested the products – the photo’s and pictures are ours, they are unique. They are in our office, homes and gardens.

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Diet pills 2019

How to Decide Which Diet Pill is the Right One?

Fat burners, fat blockers, carb blockers, what does all this mean?

The truth is, most people do not know.

All they know is they want something that works. How it works is often a grey area, but if you don’t know what something does how do you know it’s the right thing for you?

The most common types of diet pill offer one or more of the following benefits:

  • Fat burning
  • Appetite suppression
  • Fat blocking
  • Carb blocking
  • Extra Energy

The most effective diet pills offer several of these benefits and may also provide help in additional areas including mood enhancement, and insulin control.

There are even options that can disrupt the body’s ability to store fat.

Fat burners contain ingredients that cause the body to burn through calories faster than normal.

This is usually achieved by boosting the metabolism because a fast metabolism demands more energy.

The body gets its energy from food. The amount of energy food provides is measured in calories. So if the body is demanding more energy, it’s burning extra calories.

When the calories provided by food run out, the body starts using the calories stored in its fat.

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Thermogenic Fat Burners

Thermogenic fat burners contain ingredients that push up the body heat slightly. This causes the body to start losing extra energy into the atmosphere in the form of heat.

Thermogenic fat burners are arguably the most common and most effective genre of diet pill.

A good fat burner can be a powerful weight loss aid, but taking fat burners is not enough on its own.

You also need to restrict the amount of calories you consume. If you don’t you will never start burning fat.

The only way to do this is to eat less food and stick to healthy low-calorie food options. The problem is, do this and you are likely to feel very hungry a lot of the time.

That’s where appetite suppressants come in. They help you to eat less without feeling hungry.

Fat blockers prevent the body from digesting dietary fat (9 calories per gram).

Carb blockers do the same with carbohydrate (4 calories per gram). Both can help reduce the daily calorie intake.

The problem is a lack of calories can also cause fatigue. On top of this, eating less may also have a negative effect on the mood. That’s why some diet pills contain ingredients that help in these areas.

PhenQ, Leanbean, and Phentaslim are three of the best diet pills available. All of them provide support in multiple areas, but each one of these market-leading products provides a slightly different combination of benefits.

Best Diet Pills for 2022 – Top 3 Choices

PhenQ – Multi Action, Multi Benefit

When it comes to providing a vast range of benefits, PhenQ rules supreme.

The cutting-edge formulation of ingredients it provides is so good many people say it’s the equivalent of using several diet pills of lesser ability.

PhenQ real review picture

This diet pill does it all and it’s without a doubt the best option for the majority of people who are committed to losing weight.

The most important PhenQ benefits are:

  • Fat burning
  • Appetite suppression
  • Boosted energy levels
  • Mood support

In addition to this, the main appetite suppressing ingredient in PhenQ is a proven fat blocker. It’s a cactus extract called nopal and the ingredient is an unusually good source of amino acids.

The PhenQ formulation is also capable of disrupting the body’s ability to store excess calories as fat. However, PhenQ contains such a powerful combination of fat burners and natural appetite suppressants there shouldn’t be any excess calories in the first place.

Nopal is not the only ingredient that offers additional benefits. Several of the ingredients are major players in more than one area of weight loss support.

Capsimax powder is a good example. It’s a proprietary blend of piperine, caffeine, Vitamin B3, and capsicum extract.

Piperine boosts ingredient absorption. Caffeine provides extra energy and improves mental focus. It’s also a proven fat burner.

PhenQ 2019 best diet pill

Vitamin B3 helps the body make the most of the energy provided by food, so it’s a good addition as well. However, the main ingredient is capsicum extract and apart from being good for appetite suppression, it’s a powerful fat burner as well.

PhenQ has already clocked up a staggering 190,000 satisfied customers. That’s an incredible feat and the most incredible thing about it is the product was only launched in 2015.

What works for one person should work for another, it’s that simple. Moreover, if something has done the job for nearly 200,000 people we are talking about a very special product indeed and this one is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee.

Leanbean – Female Fat Burner

Leanbean is a very specialized diet pill. It’s tailor-made to be a perfect fit for the unique biological needs of women. Yes, believe it or not, when it comes to keeping shape, women really do have problems that men do not.

For one thing, women are more prone to weight gain than men are; it’s a hormone thing.

LeanBean real review picture

During menstruation, levels of the female sex hormone estrogen fluctuate. Follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and progesterone levels are also affected.

These hormonal imbalances are the root cause of the anxiety, depression and other symptoms of PMS so many women are all too familiar with.

A lot of women gain weight due to these hormonal changes. In fact, it’s not unusual for women to pile on an extra three to five pounds.

Many women face further struggles with their weight because of the menopause. Midlife-weight gain is a problem for two-thirds of women aged 40 to 59.

Midlife women often gain around 1.5 pounds per year and three-quarters of women aged 60+ are overweight.

Women also find it much harder to lose weight than men do because they are more prone to fall victim to urges to comfort eat. Scientific investigation involving brains scanning equipment suggests this is because women feel greater levels of hunger than men do.

These female-specific weight loss obstacles call for a females-specific diet pill. Many diet pill manufacturers have attempted to create one. Leanbean is the only company that has successfully pulled this off.

The unique blend of hand-picked natural ingredients that make up the Leanbean formulation offers women the following benefits:

  • Vanquish hunger
  • Torch body fat
  • Subdue urges for sugar and carbs
  • Experience increased energy levels
  • Tone arms and legs
  • Banish cellulite
  • Attain a firmer, flatter tummy
  • Flaunt a pert and peachy butt

Of course, many of the promised benefits, such as a flatter tummy, are not primary benefits.

They are direct results attributable to formulation’s fat burning capabilities.

However, the important thing is customer reviews show these benefits are attainable.

LeanBean fat burner for women 2019

Leanbean works, and part of the reason for its success is the clever inclusion of ingredients that maintain normal hormone levels.

Leanbean also contains more powerful appetite suppressing ingredients than any other diet pill on the market. Women feel more hunger so Leanbean provides extra help.

Women who buy Leanbean also benefit from another very important benefit: a 90-day money back guarantee.

Phentaslim – Fat Burner and Appetite Suppressant

Unlike the other two entries on this list of best diet pills, Phentaslim has been around a long time.

When it comes to helping people to fight the flab and uncover the slimmer person within, it’s a seasoned veteran.

Phentaslim has already aided and assisted more than 100,000 men and women who needed to lose weight. It’s sold with the promise that it will destroy your hunger pangs and annihilate your body fat.


That’s fighting talk in anybody’s book and formulation doesn’t just talk the talk. Customer reviews show it walks the walk. It’s a kick-ass fat fighter that works and like all the best supplements it works in a number of ways:

  • Boosts energy
  • Suppresses hunger
  • Burns calories and fat
  • Sharpens mental clarity
  • Improves the health

Unfortunately, unlike PhenQ and Leanbean, Phentaslim is not a vegetarian-friendly diet pill. That’s an important consideration. There are a lot of vegetarians in the world.

However, the three products on this list are here because of their power to deliver good results in the shortest possible period of time. Phentaslim has a longstanding reputation for doing so. It’s earned its stripes.

Phentaslim is also the only diet pill on this list that contains ingredients specially to improve the overall health.

Of course, losing weight will, in itself, improve the health in a number of ways.

Being overweight increases the risk of heart disease and presents other dangers as well.

So the fact that the formulation contains several powerful fat burners is enough to support this claim.

However, Phentaslim also provides panax ginseng root.

In Asia, Ginseng, in all its forms, gets a lot of respect as a “life-giving” herb. It’s one of the mainstays of Chinese medicine.

Phentaslim Australia 2019

Scientists have investigated the many benefits associated with ginseng and there is an ever-growing body of evidence to support its use in many areas.

Unless you are a vegetarian, there are many reasons to choose Phentaslim to support you in your weight loss quest. No question about it.

Don’t let the fact that it’s been around for such a long time confuse you into thinking it’s old hat. It’s been tried and tested and customers continue to love the results.

Is there a guarantee? You betcha and it’s good for 60-days.

Why These 3 are the Top 3 Diet Pill Choices

Although all three of these product offer specific individual benefits they all share certain things in common.

For starters, all of them come from respected manufacturers. That’s an important consideration. There are too many fly-by-night operatives in the diet pill industry and the products they offer are not the best.

Worse still, some of the overpriced, over-hyped offerings some of these companies trick people into buying often cause side effects.

Such products are seldom have a guarantee.

Even when the promise is there, these fly-by-nights may not honour it. All of the products on this list have a lengthy money back guarantee. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be there.

Let’s not forget, PhenQ, Leanbean, and Phentaslim also support weight loss in several ways. That’s one of the reasons they work so well and we rate them as the best diet pills of 2022

All three products have something else going for them that make them stand out from the rest of the pack: they’ve accrued an abundance of positive customer reviews.

Customer reviews are important

Just because a formulation looks good on paper doesn’t mean it will be good when put to the test.

The best people to test any product are the people who use it. When a lot of people confirm that it works that’s a major consideration.

Too many diet pill manufacturers are good at making false promises. The manufactures of PhenQ, Leanbean, and Phentaslim have created products that are good at delivering results. We rate these as the best diet pills 2022

Jane Wright has a wealth of experience in the supplement industry. She has been on both sides of the fence by first helping to create products and then critically reviewing them. Jane is a keen fitness fanatic and hates the current trend of fad diets. Jane’s No1 tip – Avoid products with hype and trendy new ingredients, tried and tested is the wiser choice. Read more here

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